Karaoke Music / Chansons English-5 / The Coasters - Yakety Yak

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

Take out the papers and the trash
Or you don't get no spendin' cash
If you don't scrub that kitchen floor
You ain't gonna rock and roll no more
Yakety yak don't talk back
Just finish cleanin' up your room
And sweep the dust out with that broom
Get all that garbage out of sight
Or you don't go out Friday night
Yakety yak don't talk back
You just put on your coat and hat
And walk yourself to the laundromat
And when you finish doin' that
Bring in the dog and put out the cat
Yakety yak don't talk back
Don't you give me no dirty looks
Your father's hip he knows what cooks
Just tell your hoodlum friend outside
You ain't got no time to take a ride
Yakety yak don't talk back
Yakety yak
Yakety yak.
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